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How to Deal with Covid-19: According to Veda, Hindu Holy Book

              God Varuna (Baruna), The Ocean Ruler and Controller, The Pandemic Carrier and Healer
(Courtesy of Google Image)

Recently, the world is fighting and struggling to end the pandemic caused by the Corona virus that is then named officially as Covid-19 which stands for Corona Virus Disease 2019. This virus sub-type of Corona virus primarily “attacks” respiratory system which symptomizes, although not always showing, for example flu, cough, sneeze, high body temperature, and breathe difficulty, and results to death. Experts have been working so hard to create the vaccine to stop the virus and its outbreak that covers most of the world population and suspends almost all life aspects and the most importantly: the world economic chain.

            But now, according to the Hindu holy book, Veda (Balinese Hindu: Weda) – as one of world life fundamental philosophies; does it give any description about Covid-19? And does it provide any prevention or antidote to kill the virus?

Corona Viruses (illustration)
(Courtesy of Google Image)

            In the book of Veda, in the part of Padma Purana – Sristikanda, it is stated that there are 8,400,000 lives placed in the highest until the lowest planet of the universe. And surely virus is one of those life kinds. The book of Veda classifies viruses as krimaya or krimi that includes not only viruses, but also worms, germs, microbes, and bacteria, since their habitat is the same; moist dark dirty environment. Moreover, the book as well mentions about krimi that can be seen without any man-made tools named as risya and the ones that cannot be seen without the tools (for instance microscope) because of their micro size called as adrisya. This knowledge of krimi is also stated in Ayur Veda and Attarwa Veda, 2 of 4 main parts of Veda.

            God Varuna (Balinese Hindu: Baruna) is the God who rules and takes responsibilities of the ocean and the west part of the universe. He is the one who can create, spread, neutralize and heal pandemic. He is ruling from the underwater city, named as Wibawari. In the Greek belief, he is known as Poseidon. As God Varuna in Hindus belief is ruling the ocean with all His characteristics; people notice that the ocean as usadha and nidhi meaning the source of healing and treasures. In the tradition of Balinese Hindus, Javanese Hindus, and Indian people, they are asking for blessings and cleansing from God Varuna by offering offerings to the ocean. And until today, they are taking a holy bath in the sea to cleanse and neutralize and purify negative aura.


Melasti is sacred purification ritual done by Balinese Hindus in the sea or closest water resource
(Courtesy of Google Image)

            In Hindu philosophy, there is a life concept named as Tri Hita Karana. Tri means three (3), Hita / Gita means happiness, and Karana means cause. So, Tri Hita Karana can be depicted as three ways to find happiness. Those three are the harmony with the God, the harmony with beings, and the harmony with the nature / environment. Nowadays, many of us are behaving ignorantly and egoistically that causes destruction of our nature. Although they realize that they are destroying their only home; where their children will live and have life. However, something demonic covers and blinds their eyes tightly. This results to the destruction and brings the nature quality degradation. One clear example is the ocean. Human beings with their greed exploit the ocean too much. Not only the exploitation, people also pollute the sea and harm the sea life a lot – where this writing does not have to bring this topic here because it believes readers have known about it.

Plastic waste at the beach
(Courtesy of Google Image)

God Varuna spreads pandemic to remind human beings to maintain and preserve the nature and environment well. With all His control, He spreads diseases using krimi (viruses, worms, germs, microbes, and bacteria). According to the holly book Veda, a disease caused by krimi is called as krimi roga and the healing method used against krimi roga is called krimi roga cikitsa or krimi cikitsa.

            Krimi roga cikitsa (the healing method against the diseases caused by krimi) can be done by utilizing the healing energy from sawitra (morning sunlight), agni (fire), and salt.

             The recent research shows that it is important for the people in this situation to have enough morning sunlight to activate their body immunity. Doctors and medical worker suggest people to sunbath in the morning for no more than 15 minutes before 9 a.m. This arguably can help to boost immunity and kill germs and viruses in someone’s body. 
Morning sunbath (illustration)
(Courtesy of Google Image)

            Agni or fire that can be used as the cure against virus diseases is in two forms. One is the usual fire we use for cooking (this writing notice one healing method using this fire). And another one is in the form of liquid and gas. This second form usually is recognized as hydrocarbon, i.e. methane and ethane, where the derivative form becomes alcohol and antiseptic. 

Totok Api, a healing method in Indonesia
(Courtesy of Google Image)

            Salt is another healing substance against krimi roga, the diseases caused by krimi. Salt (NaCl) contains natural antiseptic (according to researches) that is so beneficial to kill germs. This is why in the tradition of Balinese Hindus people do some sacred ritual in the sea, offer offerings, and completed by taking bath in the sea. People cleanse themselves physically and spiritually (their aura) with seawater that contains salt while asking for blessings from God Varuna, the ocean ruler and controller, the pandemic carrier and healer.

Melukat, taking a bath and cleanse physical and spiritual state with the seawater or holy water
(Courtesy of Google Image)

I hope everyone is having a good time during this pandemic situation. Just a kind reminder for everyone to consume healthy food, drink enough water, do enough sports, have enough sleeping time. Stay healthy, happy, and immunized!
This shall too pass.



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