>>>>> LEARN ABOUT THE OVERVIEW OF SUTASOMA PROJECT HERE & HOW TO DONATE FOR SUTASOMA PROJECT BATCH 3 (DEC 2020 - JAN 2021) <<<<< 1. Overview Another batch of Sutasoma Project has been accomplished successfully! Thank you very much to our donors who have donated money to buy food and other basic needs for the underprivileged families. The project was done in the beginning of December (December 2 - 7, 2020) and targeting 3 beneficiaries / families to receive the 3 big packages; include 25 Kg of uncooked rice, 20 pcs of noodles, 1 crate of eggs, 1 package of toiletries / diapers, and Rp100,000 cash money per package. The division of different priorities was made following the condition of the families and the budget availability. For more details pertaining to packages delivered and beneficiaries' profile, please kindly refer to the point 2 and 3 below. All beneficiaries felt so thankful with their eyes in tears and could no...
to create the balance between visible and invisible world