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Uniting Indonesia : Sumpah Pemuda (The Youth Pledge) 27th and 28th of October 1928

the Indonesian Youths in the second congress 27th & 28th of October 1928
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I was born on 28th of October which for Indonesian people, it is a historical day and formally celebrated by holding a flag ceremony in fields, offices’ yard, and also schools’ yard. This day is called as the day of Sumpah Pemuda (Youth’s Pledge). Precisely, it was 27th and 28th of October 1928, 17 years before the Indonesia’s independence, the Indonesian Youths from all of the islands were getting together in Batavia (today known as Jakarta) in the youth’s congress and declared their pledges and recognition to Indonesia as a sovereign and independent country. Their pledges consist of three main points which are presented below – followed by the English translation.

      1.      Kami Putra dan Putri Indonesia, mengaku bertumpah darah yang satu, Tanah Indonesia.
      We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia.

      2.      Kami Putra dan Putri Indonesia, mengaku berbangsa yang satu, Bangsa Indonesia.
      We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation of Indonesia.

      3.      Kami Putra dan Putri Indonesia, menjunjung Bahasa persatuan, Bahasa Indonesia.
      We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, respect the language of unity, Indonesian.

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Moehammad Yamin
Courtesy of Google Image

This formulation was written in the last seconds of the congress by Moehammad Yamin. He wrote it and showed it to Soegondo while Mr. Sunario was in the middle of his speech. Moehammad Yamin showed the paper to Soegondo while whispering in Dutch “Ik heb een eleganter formulering voor de resolutie (I have a more elegant formulation for the conclusion of the congress). Then Soegondo signed it as he agreed with Moehammad Yamin, followed by the other attendants of the congress. The pledges were read by Soegondo, then explained at length by Moehammad Yamin.

the situation captured in the second youth congress 27th & 28th of October 1928
Courtesy of Google Image

the miniature of the youths in the second congress 27th & 28th of October 1928 in the museum which then-the house used to hold the congress on Kramat Raya street No. 106, Center of Jakarta
Courtesy of Google Image

Until this present time, these pledges are really powerful as a way of uniting Indonesia archipelago, as what is known as a sovereign and independent country; Indonesia, with its language of unity; Bahasa Indonesia.

Our predecessors were giving all of their blood and power in order to build this country up, unite the islands whose various tribes, local cultures and languages. They struggled so hard to make this happen and also fought the imperialists. Hopefully, we will never forget the history on how they stood still to be an independent country.

As a Bahasa Indonesia teacher for foreign students, I would like to quote the saying to support Indonesia in terms of its languages. It says: 

“Preserve Local Languages – Love Bahasa Indonesia – Master Foreign Languages.”


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