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Showing posts with the label Bhuta Kala

The Invisible World of Hindu-Balinese: So Difficult to Believe It, yet More Difficult to Ignore It

courtesy of Google Image In the Gregorian Calendar, I was born on 28 th of October , but my birth day in Balinese Calendar falls on Whraspati Kliwon Merakih. This day comes every six months in Gregorian Calendar. Practically, we can say that I celebrate my birthday once every six months. So, because in Balinese Calendar my birthday comes once every six months, jokingly saying we can say that I get older every six months! Until this year, I am 25 years old in Gregorian Calendar, meanwhile in Balinese Calendar I am 50 years old! Unbelievable. Balinese Calendar is really mathematically complex calendar. It contains all possible counting. On the counting of days, it has 10 different days’ cycles named as Wewaran that is rotating every day, from one cycle day / eka wara , two cycle day / dwi wara , three cycle day / tri wara , four cycle day catur wara , five cycle day / panca wara , six cycle day / sad wara , seven cycle day / sapta wara , eight cycle day / asta wara , ni