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Catur Asrama - Four Stages of Life of Balinese Hindus

a group picture of the new couples and the groom's colleagues Today, a friend as well a colleague of mine at the office officially opens the second chapter of his life. From now on, his house will be filled out with some girly stuffs of a woman – not his mom, not his sisters. Yes! He gets married. Congratulation, Bli Agus Suryantara! Wishing you two all the best and many more awesome things coming to your life! And soon they will have that cute little creature, named as Wayan or Putu . And maybe some other will follow. Then they’ll have Made or Kadek , Nyoman or Komang , and perhaps also Ketut ! It’s important in one side, in order to preserve and maintain Balinese culture in the terms of naming babies – the family planning that mentions: “two (2)-children is better”, it should be added with “four (4)-children is the best”. So that, the names of Nyoman or Komang and Ketut would not disappear in the future. Ignorantly saying, I guess it’s a good idea fo


Thousands of appreciations are addressed to Bapak I Made Rajeg and Bapak Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg for the great knowledge and mesmerizing patience in sharing this understanding to me. Khrisna and Arjuna in Mahabharata epic story (courtesy of Google Image) I Kadek Sanjaya University of Udayana ABSTRACT             The aims of this study are to find out and analyze as well the types of metaphorical expression, illustrated in the Bhagavad Gita and to disclose the meaning of the metaphorical expression covered within the text. The data was collected from the Bhagavad Gita chapter seventh “ The Yoga of Wisdom and Realisation ” . Moreover, the data was analyzed by conceptual metaphor theory by Lakoff and Johnson. Furthermore, the results showed that in the chapter, four metaphorical expressions were found; three are having ontological metaphor functions and another functioning as structural metaphor. Keywords: metaphor, conceptual metaphor, metaphorical expre

A Short Scratch about Possession and Loss (based on a true story)

Buddha - one of the avataras of God Wisnu in Bali Hindu belief (courtesy of Google Image) It's 02.15 a.m. when I am done with my praying at home. A deep deep praying, in the depth of meditation and chanting, till I felt that silence is the most beautiful language I could communicate with to myself, to what I believe in.  In this period of time, I couldn't do nothing, but self-reflection. A time where you are alone in your room, where you can only meet yourself and talk about stories, talk about everything - in your mind - in silence. In such a moment, your mind feels like a big library whose so many books with various categories and topics. Then you start reading them; book by book, chapter by chapter, page by page, word by word, and letter by letter, until you pick yourself up with the knowledge you already get. All of sudden, in the darkness, I got stuck for a moment in the middle of a book. It's about loss and possession. It reminded me about a re

Metaphorical Expressions Related to God Found in COCA : A Semantic Analysis (an article from an Undergraduate Thesis)

a preview of Corpus of Contemporary America English (COCA)  METAPHORICAL EXPRESSIONS RELATED TO GOD FOUND IN COCA : A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS I Kadek Sanjaya I Made Rajeg Ni Ketut Sri Rahayuni Faculty of Arts, Udayana University, Denpasar - Bali ABSTRACT             The past thirty six years has been seen as increasingly rapid advances in the field of metaphor. It was experienced firstly by Lakoff and Johnsen (1980), that metaphor is a property not merely in language but as well in thought and actions effortlessly in everyday life. It enlightens the way to build an idea in order to conduct a study on metaphor aimed at finding out the concepts underlying the metaphorical expressions in the corpus by the given title Metaphorical Expressions Related to God Found in COCA : A Semantic Analysis .             The data source was taken from CO