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Tumpek Landep, Balinese Hindus’ Day of Metal and the Full Moon of the 10th Month of Balinese Calendar

the crowd of prayers and hopes in Pasupati Temple, Sangsit Village, Buleleng “Balinese women are so culturally strong. They wake up so early in the morning, caring for food for the family and offerings for the Niskala or invisible world, get ready to pray to temples and dozens of shrines in their villages. Meanwhile, this task will take a longer time when there is a big day on that day.   Happiness is simple for them.” 00.30 a.m., we just finished our praying procession we started in the morning the day before. It was a long long day for us. Even my mom woke up at 3 a.m. because she needed to go to the market to buy some cooking ingredients to make food for the family, and the whole day prepare the offerings used on that day. Then I more realized that Balinese women are so culturally strong. They wake up so early in the morning, caring for food for the family and offerings for the Niskala or invisible world, get ready to pray to temples and dozens of shrines in

A Short Scratch About Nyepi Day (The Bali Hindu Silent Day)

one of dozens of Ogoh-ogoh on the street of Sangsit village, Buleleng, Singaraja, Bali 2018 Balinese Hindu People believe in Yadnya which is the sincere sacrifices. Then, Yadnya is divided into five major parts which now known as Panca Yadnya / Five Yadnya. Dewa Yadnya ; the yadnya offered to the Gods. (courtesy of Google Image) Pitra Yadnya ; the yadnya offered to the ancestors. Ngaben or Funeral ceremony (courtesy of Google Image) Rsi Yadnya ; the yadnya offered in the priest inauguration. (courtesy of Google Image) Manusa Yadnya ; the yadnya offered in the life cycle rituals of human beings. (courtesy of Google Image) Butha Yadnya ; the yadnya offered for the underworld creatures. (courtesy of Google Image) The gigantic monster dolls a.k.a Ogoh-ogoh are symbolizing the underworld creatures which in the Yadnya division come from Butha Yadnya part. This Ogoh-ogoh parade is held one day befor

Catur Asrama - Four Stages of Life of Balinese Hindus

a group picture of the new couples and the groom's colleagues Today, a friend as well a colleague of mine at the office officially opens the second chapter of his life. From now on, his house will be filled out with some girly stuffs of a woman – not his mom, not his sisters. Yes! He gets married. Congratulation, Bli Agus Suryantara! Wishing you two all the best and many more awesome things coming to your life! And soon they will have that cute little creature, named as Wayan or Putu . And maybe some other will follow. Then they’ll have Made or Kadek , Nyoman or Komang , and perhaps also Ketut ! It’s important in one side, in order to preserve and maintain Balinese culture in the terms of naming babies – the family planning that mentions: “two (2)-children is better”, it should be added with “four (4)-children is the best”. So that, the names of Nyoman or Komang and Ketut would not disappear in the future. Ignorantly saying, I guess it’s a good idea fo